Monday, 7 March 2011

Lines of a Hand Exhibition

Had an exhibition today called ‘Lines of a Hand’. The process of setting up the exhibition has been really interesting and I have learnt a lot from it. It was definitely more of an ordeal than I had anticipated, but worth the hard work. We have been taught the process of mounting, framing and positioning our work and worked as a team to successfully produce a great exhibition. A long but eventful day! I will definitely take a great deal from this experience and in all honesty, find this kind of training more useful that some of the lectures, though I realise that we are taught is, in the main, beneficial though we might not always appreciate it at the time. 

Anyway, here is my exhibition photo, which I was incidentally going to submit as a black and white version of the one shown, but was encouraged by the other students to submit this colour version. I got a lot of positive feedback for it  so am really chuffed. There are also a few from the project that I liked but did not put forward for my final image. A few people told me it was one of their favourite photos and others asked if I had a website so they could check out my other work! Really needed a boost like this as it makes it all seem worthwhile. Better think about that website I suppose!
© Andrea Percival

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